Test System Designs

Harp brings its knowledge and experience in the field of mechanical design to the design and production of special test systems. In these solutions; the use of suitable materials, the design of special mechanisms and the high precision of the systems stand out. They may also include moving parts. Another important feature of these systems is their facilitation of the automatization of labour-intensive and operator error-prone tests in a way that potential errors are eliminated.

Electronic Card Test System

Harp designs test systems for the testing of electronic cards, which can have considerably high costs, with high precision and reliability. These test devices perform the necessary tests through the sensitive contact points on the cards.

  • Ergonomic design for ultimate user experience
  • Preventions for Unit under test and User
  • Precise design that contacts many test points at the same time
Antenna Positioning Test Setup

Harp designs special test setups for antenna systems, in which precision is of great importance during testing. These setups ensure that the tests achieve their goals by precisely positioning the antennas.

  • Rotation of mounting plate
  • 3 axis movement
  • Positioning precision: 1mm

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